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Influencer Marketing: How Brands Are Harnessing Its Power?

February 6, 2024

Influencer marketing is booming due to the greater professionalization of content creators, the increase in the popularity of social networks, and a lower cost compared to the ever-increasing online advertising costs.

What is an influencer campaign?

A good influencer marketing campaign gets a well-chosen group of content creators to recommend appropriate products to their communities. Sometimes, it seems that the only collaborations that matter are between more prominent celebrities and top brands; their scope is much broader. However, smaller influencers are also great to work with, even if they are unknown outside their community and don't have many followers. Regardless of size and sector, any brand can reach a highly engaged audience with the right campaign with these micro-influencers.

The objectives of the campaigns

Firstly, plan out what is really needed from a campaign and set goals. Are we looking to increase brand awareness? Generate sales? Launch a new product? Or build customer loyalty? Each of these will require you to adapt your marketing efforts.

Strategic planning

Once the objectives have been established, we need to understand what the audience we will target is like, what resources we have, and how we will integrate with the other actions the client is carrying out. As a marketing agency, KaroKonnect carries out personalized strategic planning for each client to ensure success.

Context and consistency

Although each influencer has their style, they are usually open to discussing the collaboration to benefit them and the brand. First of all, we must be clear about the client's content strategy and other actions they will carry out that may coincide with our campaign. This ensures effective coordination, similar to a well-tuned orchestra. Depending on goals, we may plan a campaign based on location since creating a locally effective campaign differs from creating one internationally.

Prioritization by affinity and relevance

The choice of influencers depends on the type of brand. Large brands may work with high-reach influencers, while niche brands benefit more from micro and nano influencers due to their affinity with the product.

Sector codes

Specialized products require influencers with deep knowledge in the sector. We can reach a discerning audience through authoritative voices by respecting community codes and offering valuable content.

Maximizing reach

We select influencers based on their audience, activity, and interaction rates to achieve a more significant impact. Sometimes, we invest in paid outreach and secure deals to use the content on our channels.

Available resources

Identifying the resources we have for a campaign is sometimes not easy, but it is always necessary. We can then propose realistic strategic planning, aligning expectations, and establishing objectives. We can approach this task with the client once we understand their goals and the context in which we will operate. Still, many organizations ask themselves the same question: How much should I invest in influencer marketing?

When we consider investing in influencer marketing, we must take into account many aspects that will have an impact on the rate charged and the costs we ultimately assume:

Audience: The influencer determines the rates based on their audience.

Market/Target: The cost will also differ depending on the sector. There are sectors such as fashion, beauty, gastronomy, or automotive, which are more mature and competitive and where the cost will be higher.

Engagement/Views: The investment we make will also be affected by the quality of the influencers' audience.

Type of collaboration: The cost of a partnership with influencers will not be the same if we consider it a short-term, medium, or long-term collaboration.

This last point is essential. Influencer marketing can be much more beneficial for brands when there is a natural affinity between the influencer and the organization. In that sense, proposing a long-term collaboration with several objectives over time is ideal.

Collaboration with influencers

At this point, it is essential to coordinate on a logistical level with the client, especially if product shipping comes into play. Comply with delivery deadlines and take care of the packaging so the influencers can display our product correctly when they open it in their unboxing video, for example. With more significant and impactful influencers, contractual and payment management must be proactive to close possible pending issues on time.

Once all the agreements have been closed, it is time for follow-up, in which, as an agency, we have to ensure that what was agreed is fulfilled. Sometimes, influencers are late in creating or editing their content. On other occasions, especially with newer influencers, we may encounter content that lacks quality or credibility. This type of content shouldn't be published since followers will see it clearly if there is no connection between the author and the product. That is why KaroKonnect reviews all content before publication to ensure that the brand's Dos and Don'ts list is met. The content should not include anything the client has expressly told us is unacceptable.

As a brand, you need to work with an experienced digital agency such as Karokonnect to ensure that the influencer campaign is a success and that your investment yields the best results in sales and engagement.

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